Easy Ice-Cream Caramel Rolls

If your thinking ‘man that sounds and looks delicious’, you are absolutely right. This recipe comes from my mom’s kitchen and is always a hit. Not to brag but she is by far the best cook I know and most of my recipes come from her! They are always soooo very very good! So what are you going to need to make this tasty treat?

A bag of frozen Cinnamon Rolls (any brand), 2 sticks of butter, 1 cup of brown sugar, 1 cup of white sugar, a 13×9 cake pan, medium saucepan and a large cookie sheet. But wait there is more!!! Well only one more. Can you guess what it is? *drum rollllll* 1 1/2 cup of Ice-Cream! You can use whatever ice-Cream you want, my personal favorite is Breyers Natural Vanilla. It seems odd to use ice-cream when making caramel rolls but let me tell you: it works!

Your first step is an easy one just spray the cake pan with cooking spray or grease it up real good! Then in a medium sauce pan, on medium heat, add brown sugar, white sugar, butter, ice-cream to a low boil.

STIR LIGHTLY. If we stir to much and too fast it can get hard and too thick, we want it nice and smooth. We want it to look like photo number 2. So smooth it could steal yo girl.

When that beautiful stickiness is done pour it in the cake pan and put 8 cinnamon rolls on top. Cover with aluminum foil and let rise for 2 hours or unwrap when the rolls double in size.

When it gets close to the 2 hour mark, pre-heat your oven to 350 degrees. Take the aluminum foil off the rolls before baking. Then bake for 20-25 minutes. You want the tops brown like a nice toasted marshmallow, but not burnt. When the ding ding goes off and they are ready to take out of the oven let cool for 2-3 minutes then grab your large cookie sheet and put it on top of the cake pan covering the rolls.

Than carefully FLIP FLIP FLIIPPP!!! flip fast, like your toddlers on the loose and you just heard a crash. But like I said before!!!!!CAUTION CAUTION ITS FRICKEN HOT!!!!!

Image result for its hot gif

And bada bing bada boom look at what you made. You can spoon the extra caramel on the rolls as you’d like, up to you, I do. Now all you gotta do is sit back and enjoy.

Thanks for checking out my recipe subscribe to my blog for more recipes and more. You can also follow me on Instagram!


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