Wicca for me

Let me start with what Wicca is not. Wicca is not satanic, I DO NOT worship the devil or sacrifice people or animals. I mean I don’t even believe that the devil exists.

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What I believe in is a Goddess and a God. They go by many names, Depends on the day. Sometimes I am in the mood to talk to Isis and Osiris (http://www.egyptianmyths.net/mythisis.htm) or sometimes I am in the mood to talk to Persephone and Hades (https://www.ancient.eu/persephone/). That is what makes Wicca so nice, you can pray to whomever your heart is calling to that day, hour or minute.

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Wicca does not have many rules or guidelines. We change our rituals just as much as the weather changes but that being said most of us do follow one rule and that is the rule of three. Whatever you send out comes back in three. It can be good or bad. Our actions have to be owned by us and only us. There is no blaming others for our actions, no heaven for our good deeds and no hell for our bad ones. The good could come back as finding a five dollar bill on the sidewalk, the bad getting fired. It all depends on you and what you put out there.

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These are just a couple of ingredients in the Wicca soup. I hope that you come by often as I post more about the history of Wicca, rituals and more! Thanks you!

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